Initialize CPMM pool

This tool is for advanced users. For detailed instructions, read the guide for


This website-hosted user interface (this "Interface") is an open source frontend software portal to the SolFast protocol, a decentralized and community-driven collection of blockchain-enabled smart contracts and tools (the "SolFast Protocol"). This Interface and the SolFast Protocol are made available by the SolFast Foundation, however all transactions conducted on the protocol are run by related permissionless smart contracts.

As the Interface is open-sourced and the SolFast Protocol and its related smart contracts are accessible by any user, entity or third party, there are a number of third party web and mobile user-interfaces that allow for interaction with the SolFast Protocol.

THIS INTERFACE AND THE SOLFAST PROTOCOL ARE PROVIDED "AS IS", AT YOUR OWN RISK, AND WITHOUT WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND. The SolFast Foundation does not provide, own, or control the SolFast Protocol or any transactions conducted on the protocol or via related smart contracts. By using or accessing this Interface or the SolFast Protocol and related smart contracts, you agree that no developer or entity involved in creating, deploying or maintaining this Interface or the SolFast Protocol will be liable for any claims or damages whatsoever associated with your use, inability to use, or your interaction with other users of, the SolFast Protocol or this Interface.